What we are doing about it
In order to reduce our impact on the planet, it’s essential to understand where our emissions come from. To do so, we are working with specialized and recognized partners in order to measure our impact.
We're actively developing and implementing an emission reduction strategy taking into account all the scopes in order to decrease our carbon footprint in several ways.
For the CO² that we still produce, we contribute to high-quality projects that capture carbon from the atmosphere and participate in global carbon neutrality.
How we're creating change
We mutualize resources through house sharing
Renovating one home for multiple people reduces building materials and appliances. Sharing resources also lowers energy consumption per capita.We furnish our homes with second-hand items
Most of our furniture and decorations are second-hand or made from upcycled objects. We are also doing our best to select local and sustainable suppliers.100% of our eligible roofs have solar panels
To date, we have ⅓ of our houses producing renewable energy. In less than a year, our solar panels produced 17688 kW/H.We reduce as much as possible
All of this allows us to reduce our emissions and then we compensate for the rest by financing CO2 absorption projects.
We create the places, you create the moments
We create the places, you create the moments
We create the placeyou create the momentsplan the family dinnersmake the lifelong friendshipscreate the momentsplan the family dinnersmake the lifelong friendships